Have you ever noticed that most stock images on popular websites feature, primarily, White models? It is actually quite difficult to find inclusive stock photos featuring people of color (POC).
If you are a blogger or web designer looking for diverse stock photos, there are a few websites out there that are better than others. There are a handful of great options that the EraBright team uses regularly.
9 Websites With Black Stock Photos
If you need more inclusive stock images, check out these websites:
1. Nappy
Nappy is one of the most popular stock image websites for people of color. The website is constantly growing its selection of images. There are categories like “Active,” “People,” and “Things.” If you are a creative blogger, Nappy has one of the best selections of non-traditional photos that don’t look posed. One of the best things about Nappy is that they are also free.
2. CreateHER Stock
CreateHER is a great website featuring images of “melanated women”. Their stock image collection is consistently growing, offering seasonal photos, flatlays, and much more. CreateHER has a free collection that is limited, or you can purchase a subscription option. Subscriptions start at just $10 per month, and you have access to more than 2,000 images.
3. Iwaria
Iwaria is a unique stock image website featuring a collection that is focused on African imagery. Iwaria’s selection is beautiful and absolutely free. Collections are divided into categories like “African Mama,” “Education,” “Black and White,” and “Women.”
4. Eye for Ebony
Eye for Ebony is a great option if you need a handful of stock images for a project, or want something with a bit more flexibility. Eye for Ebony offers a small collection of free images, or you can purchase stock image bundles. Most bundles are $15, and include 24-25 images. All of the stock images feature Black people, and categories include “Afro,” “Quiet Time,” “City Girl,” “Work from Home” and more.
5. PicNoi
PicNoi is one of a few websites that is trying to fill the gap in stock photos. The site features predominantly people of color. If you want a collection with easy access, PicNoi is a great option. Here, you can “download all” images. That gives you access to your images on any device easily. What we love even more is that all of their images are free. Sign up for their co-op to get notifications when new images are available.
6. Tonl
Tonl is a website with a lot of options. The developers of Tonl have a goal to challenge the traditional nature of stock photos with vibrant and colorful alternatives. If you are looking for diverse and inclusive stock images, Tonl is a great place to check out. Check out their “Take” section for free images, or purchase photos individually. If you need images regularly, check out their subscriptions starting at $29 per month.
7. Pexels
Pexels is one of the better-known stock image sites that offer more diversity. Pexels is entirely free and includes stock images and videos. Check back on Pexels frequently because their collection is growing by the day.
8. Raw Pixel
Raw Pixel has a very unique collection of stock images available. Their system is different than most websites but is very affordable. When you register with Raw Pixel, you have access to five images per day from their free collection. Any additional images must be purchased. The good news is that their subscription plans start as low as $5 per month.
9. Mocha Stock
Mocha Stock features a large collection of royalty-free stock images featuring people of color. Their images are not free, but they are very affordable. You can purchase individual images for as little as $11. The price is well worth it if you are looking for stock images that are unique, diverse, and not likely to be available elsewhere.
Closing Thoughts
Now that you have a list of websites with Black stock photos, you are ready to start finding diverse and inclusive images. Remember when you start your search to use keywords relevant to your search. Searches like “Black women” are very effective at producing great results.
If you are starting a blog and need help with content or SEO, contact EraBright to learn more about our digital marketing services.